Online English tutors & teachers for private English lessons

Many good tutors are waiting for you here to help you improve your English by taking face-to-face or online private lessons. Choose the tutor according to the criteria you want and purchase your lesson.

48 tutors found
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Kemal K.
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English, German
New Member
Abdul Q.
Languages Spoken: 
English Native , Turkish, Pakistani
New Member
Tuğçe D.
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English
New Member
Tamer K.
English, Italian
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English, İtalyanca
New Member
Zeynep T.
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English
New Member
Sami A.
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native
New Member
Selay T.
Primary School Math, Primary School Turkish, Science and Technology, Language and Expression, High School Turkish, High School Math, Turkish Literature, English, YKS, LGS
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English
New Member
Rumeysa Ş.
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English
New Member
Beyza K.
English, Literacy, Primary School Turkish, English Literature, Life Science, Primary School Math
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English
New Member
Anara N.
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English
New Member
Gizem B.
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English
New Member
H.Anıl A.
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English
New Member
Maria K.
English, Ukrainian
Languages Spoken: 
Ukrainian Native , Turkish, English
New Member
Selim U.
English, French, Career Planning, Business Administration, Starting a Business
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English, French
New Member
Maysa B.
Languages Spoken: 
English, Arabic Native
New Member
Selin A.
English, French
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English, French
New Member
Hazel B.
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English
New Member
Fatma B.
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native
New Member
Hande B.
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native , English
New Member
Tugay İ.
Languages Spoken: 
Turkish Native
New Member

English education

English, one of the most used languages in the world, is one of the most important factors affecting both our career and social life today. Knowing and speaking English starts to affect our career even in our student years. Graduating from the English-taught department of the profession you want to have gives you a good career start or the opportunity to work in an international brand. However, speaking English is the most important factor to progress well in your career or to have opportunities to work globally. At the same time, in order to establish international relations in our social life, English has ceased to be a language to be learned and has become an indispensable part of our lives. Because English is not the mother tongue of a country, it is a common language that people from many different countries use to communicate.

English Tutoring

Learning English is not a difficult process or a difficult language to learn. In order to learn English, it is necessary to get the right training from the right instructor in the right method. Private lessons are the best way for a person to learn English easily. Taking private English lessons allows you to learn English quickly and easily. If we list the benefits of taking private lessons;

✓Taking private lessons is more efficient. Teachers, while giving private lessons, organize a special education program for the student on the issues that the student is missing.

✓Taking private lessons in English allows you to learn the language quickly. Because in one-to-one education, the teacher focuses on you alone and the subjects are covered in a shorter period of time. At the same time, your teacher allows you to learn by focusing more on the subjects you have difficulty with.

✓Private lesson planning is flexible. It allows you to make a plan with your teacher for the day and time you want. English courses are usually scheduled according to the course center's schedule on weekday evenings and weekends. It can also be difficult to always find a place in each group. You will therefore have to comply with the course center's class quotas and group schedules. However, all of these difficulties disappear when taking private lessons. Because you and your teacher set the lesson plan according to your own schedule.

✓Speaking rather than learning English is often seen as challenging. While taking private English lessons, you can practice speaking with your teacher a lot, so you will have more fluent speaking competence at the end of the training.

✓Taking private lessons saves time. In group training, a certain amount of time is spent on each subject. At the same time, since the groups consist of a certain quota, the learning period is also extended. However, while learning English by taking private lessons, the teacher will focus only on you, so you can complete the training in a few months, which may take an average of 10-12 months in group training.

Learning English is Easy with EnHoca

You can find dozens of teacher options from all over Turkey on our website and you can start taking private lessons with the teacher you want right away.